
Monday, June 8, 2009


WOW! It has been FOREVER since I posted on here. Sorry 'bout that y'all. Work has been in one word...CRAZY. Literally. CRAZY. I'll get to that some other time but for right now, I want to share a new phrase I learned this weekend with you all.


I love it. Have you ever heard it? Let me use it in a sentence for you. "Wow. I've never been Me-mugged so much in my entire life" or "That chick just me-mugged me!"

Basically "me-mugging" is the art of judging another based on their looks alone. I was at a wedding with some friends this weekend and one of them has lot of tattoos. She was wearing a dress so some of her tattoos were showing on her back and arms. Well, the uber-catholic wedding attendees kept staring her up and down like she was the devil-incarnate. Seriously, folks? Have you never seen someone with tattoos enter a church before? Are you going to judge her based on her looks alone? Forget the fact that she is one of the most intelligent beings I have ever met. She's kind and funny too! OH and GET THIS PEOPLE!! She's a REPUBLICAN! And a pretty big one at that.

Why do we do this to each other?? Seriously? Why all the judging? Why do we even care that someone else has piercings or tattoos or dresses differently then us? Is it because we are that insecure in our own skin that we have to constantly compare ourselves to others in an effort to make ourselves feel better?

Now, I am not perfect. I have been known to me-mug people now and then. In particular, skinny-ass barbie-like girls dressed perfectly and carrying a purse that cost more than my car. Am I jealous? Yes. Do I secretly wish I could scream "Eat a pizza, *itch!" at them? Yes. Is it fair to me-mug them just because they are perfect? No.

So the moral of the story folks is this? Stop judging each other! The other person knows you're me-mugging them and me-mugging is almost worse then really mugging them. Next time, just smile and thank God for filling this world with uniqueness.


1 comment:

  1. "Next time, just smile and thank God for filling this world with uniqueness." Nicely said!
