
Monday, March 16, 2009


Oh IRS, how will I pay you? Let me count the ways...
1. Sell my liver on the blackmarket.
2. Hook it on the corner of 22/3 and st. rt. 48
3. Rob a bank
4. Sell all of my personal belongings on Ebay
5. Not feed my family for the next 2.5 months. A good diet, yes. Will my son and husband like it? No.
6. Stand near the highway with a homeless sign. Actually, maybe a "I need to pay my taxes so I can continue paying your mortgage" sign might work better.
7. Force my child into modeling since he is such a ham in front of a camera.
8. Ask for a nice big bonus check from work (hahahahahah riiiiiiiight)
9. Ask for an IOU from the IRS (hahahahahahahahahaha even funnier than #8)
10. Put it on a credit card.
11. Empty out our savings account.
12. "Forget" to pay our mortgage for a month. Hey - it works for everyone else right?
13. Get a 3rd job.
14. Leave my son home alone all day to save on daycare costs. 1.5 is old enough to stay home by yourself right?
15. Ignore the fact that I owe you money until April 15th and pray for a miracle between now and then.


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