
Monday, March 30, 2009

My Son Ate Ketchup For Dinner

No, this isn't some funny chain email where you pick out your birthday and it matches up to a word, and then you pick out your favorite color which matches up to another phrase, etc. This is real life. My son ate ketchup for dinner last night. Now, before you go calling child services on me, here me out.

We made fish and chips for dinner (aka fish sticks and fries lol) and had tarter sauce and ketchup to go with. Well, I put some fish and fries on his tray sans tarter and ketchup. But he saw daddy and I having ketchup and of course pointed and whined at it until we gave him some. At first I really thought he would do okay! He stuck his fry in the ketchup and moved it towards his mouth ready to take a big bite. Out came the fry from his mouth, minus ketchup, but still very much intact as a full fry. This went on and on and on until the ketchup was gone. He then grunted and whined for more. After slight hesitation, I put more on his tray and told him that was all he was getting and needed to eat his fish. About 5 minutes later, more whining and grunting. I told him that he wasn't getting anymore ketchup and stood my ground. He then proceeded to throw his milk on the ground and refused to eat anything else on his tray. Nothing more I could do. He would not give in. So he ended up eating ketchup for dinner. *sigh* I am so getting the mother of the year award.



  1. Ketchup tastes good. Not sure what his beef with the french fries is - the fish I can understand - but french fries?!?

  2. Kingston does that. He says "dip dip" and then dips whatever he's got in the ketchup, licks the ketchup off and does it again. It's adorable from the other side of the table, but I can understand the mom frustration! Hang in there. He'll get it.

  3. Oh goodie! At least I'm not alone on this LOL
